Prof. Arun K Pujari

         School of Computer and Information Sciences


Funded Projects

  1. Evidential Reasoning Technique for identification of geomorphological features from satellite images, 1989-92.
  2. Neural computing approach for combinatorial optimization problem, 1989.
  3. Intelligent GIS for NRDMS, 1994-98.
  4. DATER- AI approach to dating, 1996-99.
  5. Development of a Decision Tree Tool for spatial Data Mining, 2000.
  6. Investigation of wavelet analyses for shortlisting of images for content based image retrieval, 2002.
  7. Content based retrieval of remote sensing data, 2005.
  8. National Metadata Standards for geospatial data, 2004.
  9. Research and Development of Data Mining Techniques for Cyber security, 2006.
  10. Manifold Learning and Applications, 2007.
  11. A Context-aware and Preference-aware Recommended System for Use of Facilities and Utilities in Indian Cities, 2015.

Consultancy Projects

  1. ECIL, Identification of surface defects in radioactive pallets using Mathematical Morphology, 1993.
  2. Survey of India- 3D reconstruction of Monolithic Buddha statue using stereo images, 1993.
  3. Dept of Post- Software VITARAN- Registered letter delivery system, 1995.
  4. IGNCA- National Consultant for the UNDP project “Strengthening of National Facility for Interactive Multimedia Documentation on Cultural Resources” , Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, 1996-97.
  5. ADRIN Decision Tree for Landslide Prediction.
  6. Corporate Training- Satyam, L&T Infotech.