Funded Projects
Current Projects
Past Projects
- iGEON-India: International GEON, India: A Knowledge R&D Networked Indo-US Centre. [IUSSTF]
- Pilot Study of Grid Fabric Middleware for developing framework for MDO applications. [DRDL]
- Grid fabric/ middleware technologies for developing framework for deploying ocean related applications and Services. [INCOIS]
- Development of Software tools for Development of obliterations and erasures On Questioned Documents.[GEQD,MHA]
- Resource Centre for Indian Language Technology Solutions (Telugu). [MIT]
- National Standard for Digital Geospatial metadata and software development for ToolBox. [ISRO]
- Content based Retrieval of Remotely Sensed Data. [ISRO]
- Development of Grid Middleware for Integration of Dispersed Resources. [DRDL]
- Investigation of Different Neural Network Techniques for Rocket Trajectory Estimation. [ISRO]
- Formal Specification Based Object Testing. [ISRO]
- Number Theoretic Approach to Cryptanalysis. [ISRO]
- Research and Development of Data Mining Techniques for Cyber Security. [MIT]
- Investigation of Articulation Efforts for the Development of Speech System for Telugu. [AICTE]
- Automated knowledge level software engineering. [TIFR]
- Language Engineering Research. [UGC/UPE]
- Telugu Speech Interface Machine. [UGC/UPE]
- To Develop a Multimedia Software Package for Teaching Urdu to Adult Non-Literates. [UGC/UPE]
- Telugu OCR. [MCIT]
- To study upper ocean thermohaline structure of the North Indian ocean on intra-seasonal and inter-annual time scale. [INCOIS]
- Particle Swarm Intelligence for optimization. [DST]
- Language and Brain Organization in Normative Multilingualism. [DST]
- Innovative Tools and Technologies for Language Teaching and Learning in the Context of Telugu. [UPE-II]
- Compromised Node Identification. [SAG,DRDO]