Advanced Computer Networks

Timings: Tu: 14:30-16:30, Fr: 11:30-12:30

Tentative Course Schedule

Grading Policy

The following is the grading policy that will be followed in this course:


The assignment will involve simulation using Mininet. You are advised to start looking at tutorials of how to use it.

The assignment will generate data that you should analyse and write it up as a term paper for the course as a typical science paper.

Mininet References: Here are some links that will help you out with the Mininet emulator.

iperf Resources:

Assignment -- 1: Mininet Experiments

Assignment Specification contains the description of the assignment. Please run the experiments, get the average results and then draw bar graphs for the results. Using these results, write a term paper with the standard format of a typical research paper with abstract, Introduction and so on as given below:

NOTE: Please do NOT submit shoddy term papers to me. I shall simply return them to you until they satisfy my sense of quality!

DUE DATE: March 8, 2019.

Assignment -- 2: Written Assignment

Minor 3 is a written assignment that has a hard deadline of Monday April 15, 2019.

PART I: IPv6 - Related Links

PART II: Mobile IPv4 and Mobile IPv6 - Related Links

PART II: QOS, Traffic Engineering and Label Switching

PART III: Introduction to Software Defined Networking

The papers consulted for the brief introduction to SDN that we did in the class are given below along with my lecture notes on SDN basics and a simple White paper I found similar to my lecture notes. I have also included slides of Nick Mckeown and Scott Shenker that I consulted widely to do my lecture notes. I have also put up the link to the YouTube video of Scott Shenker's amazing talk at ONS-2011 as well. There are links to blogs on SDN by Martin Casado and others who are the leaders working in SDN as further optional reading for those interested in exploring further. I have also linked up to Jennifer Rexford's course on SDN for even further reading of papers that are the shakers and movers of the networking world.


I found two books for SDN that can be used:

  1. Software Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Approach which is really good.
  2. Software Defined Networks by Nadeau and Gray from O'Reilly publishers.


RDMA is being used for various purposes. Here is one such application: Accelerating Tensorflow with RDMA for those who are interested in expanding their knowledge.