IT-201 A Lab Course- IMSc

July - December 2017

Thursday 2 PM - 5 PM

The objective of the course IT-201 is to enable students appreciate the fundamentals of programming. The practice is using Scilab (an open source equivalent of Matlab).

The course syllabus is here and schedule for this semester is here

Theory is explained and a few problems will be done in the lab and an assignment will be set for every alternate labs. The emphasis is on designing a solution and then implementation. The submission instructions will be given in the lab.




Class-work on August 17

Class-work on August 24


Class-work and Assignment-4 on Sept 14

Class-work on Sept 28

Class-work and Assignment-5 on Oct 5


Presentation Schedule(Updated)

Course Material

Introduction to Scilab

Scilab Tutorial

Plotting in Scilab


Course Instructor: Dr. S. Durga Bhavani

Teaching Assistants: