Due Date: 15 October 2019

This assignment has 5 questions of 4 marks each for a total of 20 marks.
Submit your answers neatly written on A4 sheets.
No print-outs allowed!
  1. Start with the following equation for the reverse saturation current in p-n junction diode $$ I_0 \equiv \frac{AeD_pp_{n0}}{L_p} + \frac{AeD_nn_{p0}}{L_n} $$ show that $I_0$ is also given by $$ I_0 = AV_T\frac{b\sigma_i^2}{(1+b^2)}\left( \frac{1}{L_p\sigma_n} + \frac{1}{L_n\sigma_p}\right) $$ where $\sigma_n(\sigma_p)$ is the conductivity of the $n$($p$) side, $\sigma_i$ is the conductivity of the intrinsic material and $b = \mu_n/\mu_p$.

  3. Draw and explain the Volt-Ampere characteristics of a Tunnel diode based on energy band diagrams.

  5. Work out (from the textbook) the derivation of V-I characteristics of an n-p-n transistor in CE configuration. What are the simplified equations in the active region?

  7. From the V-I characteristics of an n-p-n transistor and the circuit given below, draw its output voltage $V_{CE}$ and current $i_c$ waveforms on a graph sheet (as accurately as possible). $i_b$ is given by a triangular waveform of amplitude 0.2 mA and $V_{CC}$ = 8V.

    Choose a reasonable quiescent point Q.


  9. Explain the working of junction diode based clipping circuits and show how they are useful in producing square waves (approximate!) from sinusoidal inputs.

Due Date: 15 October 2019