The assignment will generate data that you should analyse and write it up as a term paper for the course as a typical science paper.
Mininet References: Here are some links that will help you out with the Mininet emulator.
Practice Assignment for Mininet: Read the BufferBloat problem of routers in Wikipedia and run the mininet script and understand how mininet works as preparation for the actual Mininet assignment that will be given later in the semester. It also gives you an idea of how I may give problems and the expectation from the term paper.
In the second part of the assignment, set up different queues for UDP flows and TCP flows with each of them getting 512Mbps bandwidth each. Check the throughput for the UDP and TCP flows. Withdraw UDP flows as earlier and see the change in TCP throughput. Plot the graphs for the various flows.
Experimental Design: Make sure you run the above two experiments at least 10 times and take the average of the results computed. When you take only one measurement, it does not reflect the true state of the system. The graphs you plot must be the average of the 10 runs of the experiment.
Submission Guidelines: You need to submit ONLY the .pdf file of your term paper. The name of the term paper MUST be as follows: MTxx_MTyy.pdf or MTxx_MByy.pdf or MCxx_MCyy.pdf etc. where xx and yy are the reg. nos of the students who are the partners. If you feel that you would like to submit all of your files, including the graph image files, scripts etc., you need to submit a .tar file with the name MTxx_MTyy.tar and when I untar it, it should create a directory of the name MTxx_MTyy. All files should be under this directory. Otherwise, it is impossible for me to grade your assignments. DO FOLLOW THE GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION WITHOUT FAIL.
The papers consulted for the brief introduction to SDN that we did in the class are given below along with my lecture notes on SDN basics and a simple White paper I found similar to my lecture notes. I have also included slides of Nick Mckeown and Scott Shenker that I consulted widely to do my lecture notes. I have also put up the link to the YouTube video of Scott Shenker's amazing talk at ONS-2011 as well. There are links to blogs on SDN by Martin Casado and others who are the leaders working in SDN as further optional reading for those interested in exploring further. I have also linked up to Jennifer Rexford's course on SDN for even further reading of papers that are the shakers and movers of the networking world.
I found a book Software Defined Networks by Nadeau and Gray from O'Reilly publishers that seems to be really good for SDN.