CS773 Grid and Cloud Computing
Year 2015
by Rajeev Wankar
Brief Description
Objective: This course is proposed for M.Tech. and MCA students. By the end of the semester, students should be able to develop the following skills:
(i) Should be able to write and deploy Web Services using Java or other technologies.
(ii) Should be able to write and deploy Grid and Cloud Services.
(iii) Given a practical application, identify the issues and apply suitable techniques studied in the course to it effectively.
More specific objectives will also be given later for each lecture.
Prerequisite: Knowledge of Distributed Computing, Networks, Java/C/C++/Python/C# and Unix/Linux/Windows.
Preferred Books/Material
Books (Grid)
Foster, et. al. “Anatomy of the Grid” (globus.org)
Foster et. al. “Physiology of the Grid” (globus.org)
Anirban Chakrabarti, Grid Computing Security
The Globus Toolkit 4 Programmer’s Tutorial Borja Sotomayor
Books (Web Services)
Beginning Java web services, Henry Bequet et. al., a! press
Programming web services with SOAP, James Snell et. al., O’ Reilly publisher
Books (Cloud)
Mastering Cloud Computing: Foundations and Applications Programming, Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, and Thamarai Selvi
Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things
Kai Hwang , Jack Dongarra , Geoffrey C. Fox.
Course Outline: Here is a preliminary and non-exhaustive list of topics we will be or might be covering. This is subject to change with advanced notice, partly based on the understanding of the students.
Lecture Notes
- Basics of Web Services:
Extensible Mark-up Language XML Introduction, some key aspects of XML, Document-centric XML Data-centric XML, XML-based Web Services, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Service Definition Language (WSDL), UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) discovery that form a basis for Web Services, exploring JAXR, jUDDI, UDDI4J etc. Technologies include HTML, HTTP, XML, SOAP, and WSDL, Development of Java Web Services.
- [Part-I pdf]
[Part-II pdf]
[Part-III pdf]
[Part-IV pdf]
[Part-V pdf]
[Part-VI pdf]
[Part-VII pdf]
[Part-VIII pdf]
- Grid Services:
- Virtualization and Resource Provisioning
Introduction to Cloud Technologies, Study of Hypervisors Virtualization Technology: Virtual machine technology, virtualization applications in enterprises, Pitfalls of virtualization Multitenant software: Multi-entity support, Multi-schema approach, Multi-tenancy using cloud data stores, Data access control for enterprise applications
- [Part-I pdf]
[Part-II pdf]
[Part-III pdf]
[Part-IV pdf]
[Part-V pdf]
- Cloud Computing:
Introduction to Cloud Computing Definition, Characteristics, Components, Cloud provider, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS and Others, Organizational scenarios of clouds, Administering & Monitoring cloud services, benefits and limitations, Deploy application over cloud, Comparison among SAAS, PAAS, IAAS Cloud computing platforms: Infrastructure as service: Amazon EC2,Platform as Service: Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, IBM Bluemix, Utility Computing, Elastic Computing
- [Part-I pdf]
[Part-II pdf]
[Part-III pdf]
- Data Management in Clouds:
Data in the cloud: Relational databases, Cloud file systems: GFS and HDFS, BigTable, HBase and Dynamo. Map-Reduce and extensions: Parallel computing, Introduction to cloud development, Example/Application of MapReduce, Features and comparisons among GFS, HDFS etc, Map-Reduce model
- [Part-I pdf]
[Part-II pdf]
[Part-III pdf]
[Part-IV pdf]
[Part-V pdf]
- Security in Clouds:
Cloud security fundamentals, Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud, Privacy and Security in cloud computing security architecture: Architectural Considerations- General Issues, Trusted Cloud computing, Secure Execution Environments and Communications, Micro-architectures; Identity Management and Access control-Identity management, Access control, Autonomic Security Cloud computing security challenges: Virtualization security management- virtual threats, VM Security Recommendations, VM-Specific Security techniques,
Secure Execution Environments and Communications in cloud.
- [Part-I pdf]
[Part-II pdf]
[Part-III pdf]
[Part-IV pdf]
[Part-V pdf]
- Progamming Enterprise Clouds:
Image Processing functions, some computationally Hard problems, Mandelbrot set, etc.
Students will be given assignments based on the course contents. They are expected to write and deploy web services, web services on multiple machines in LAN or on Grid. They are also expected to write and execute programs using on Globus & Aneke.
Software Downloads for Web Computing (follow any link):
Documentation for Web Computing
Web sites (Not Exhaustive)
Assessments: Internal: 40 Marks
Three internals of 30 marks each (best two will be selected)
Lab assignments (10) marks
midterm 1,
midterm 2,