ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णश्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥


Abhaya Kumar Pradhan,

Research Scholar in Computer Science.

Mailing Address:

N-110, Software Engineering Lab,
School of Computer and Information Sciences(SCIS),
University of Hyderabad,

RésuméGoogle Scholar


Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam


1. Data Structure & Algorithms
2. Operating Systems & Programming


3. Learning & Reasoning
4. Data Mining

Teaching Assitance

D.B.M.S. (MCA-III Sem.)
Software Engineering (M.Tech.-II Sem.)
Software Engineering Lab (M.Tech.-II Sem.)
Advanced DataBase (M.Tech. & M.C.A.- Odd sem.)
IT Lab (Integrated P.G. & M.C.A.- I sem.)

DRC Completed:

12th sem.

Workshops Attended

"Mathematical Principles of Cryptography and Cryptanalysis", 1-2 Dec' 2014

“Mathematical Ideas for Graduate Students”, 28th Jan' 2015

"Introduction to Data Analysics using R", 4-6 March' 2016

"Workshop on Modern & Quantum Information Security", IIIT-Hyderabad, 26-30 March' 2016

"MHRD-GIAN-Design of Algorithms for Big Data Analytics", Aug 1-12 '16

"Google Developer Groups-DEVFEST2016",1st Oct '16

"Workshop on Topics in Leanear Algebra & Machine Learning",12th - 13th Oct' 17

IWPAA-2018(29th - 31th Jan' 2018)

"Social Network Analysis & Structural Equation Modeling",16 Dec 2018

"National Workshop on NLP: From Foundation to Emerging AI Techniques",30th - 31st July 2019

"ML Technologies for SMA", IIT-Guwahati(e-Faculty Training Programme),19th - 23rd Aug 2020


System Admin @A.I. Lab, SCIS, UOH (2015- 2016)

In near future

ICDCIT-2021(07th - 10th Jan' 2021)



-Social Network Data Analytic

-Big Data

-Text Mining

-Distributed Computing

Working on:

"Event Detection in Twitter":
Massive usage of social networking sites and microblogging sites leads to the accumulation of huge volume of user generated data.In Twitter (popular microblogging service provider) scenario twitters (Twitter users) tweets (max. 140 characters) on starting from their daily life updates to interesting news and events happening locally and globally in real-time. This realtime information sharing attract researchers to churn those massive user generated data and extract valuable information or knowledge about what's happening around the globe. So 'event' can be defined as the real- world happenenings that takes place in a certain geographical location over a certain time period. So the task of finding events from massive data called "Event Detection".


Prof. Hrushikesha Mohanty

Dr. Rajendra Prasad Lal

DRC Members:

1. Prof. Vineet C. P. Nair
2. Prof. Atul Negi


1. Abhaya Kumar Pradhan and Hrushikesha Mohanty; Finding Tweet Events’ IJCA Proceedings on International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, 2015, pp 5-12.

2. Pradhan A.K., Mohanty H., Lal R.P. (2019) Event Detection and Aspects in Twitter: A BoW Approach. In: Fahrnberger G., Gopinathan S., Parida L. (eds) Distributed Computing and Internet Technology. ICDCIT 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11319. Springer, Cham

3. Pradhan A.K., Mohanty H., Lal R.P. (2020) Events in Tweets: Graph Based Techniques. In: Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (2020) 13: 1. https://doi.org/10.2174/2666255813999200904133759, Bentham Science

