Classes 1 - 5

Classes 6 - 9

Classes 10 - 14

Classes 15 - 16

Classes 17 - 18

Classes 19 onwards

Practice Questions

Classes 1 and 2

  1. What is computer science a study of?
  2. What is an algorithm?
  3. What is a well-defined step?
  4. On what parameters are algorithms compared?
  5. Why are errors in computer programs called bugs?

Class 3

  1. What is the Church-Turing hypothesis?
  2. What are the main components of von Neumann architecture?

Classes 4 and 5

  1. What are the three fundamental well-defined steps in an algorithm?
  2. What is the branch step in modern programming languages?
  3. What are the different types of repetition (or iteration) steps?
  4. On what parameters are algorithms compared? What do we mean when we say that one algorithm is better than another?

Class 6

  1. Write an algorithm to find the maximum item in a list. The algorithm should use the standard terminology and should use the style of either Selection or Bubble sort algorithms.
  2. What is the coin change problem and how do you solve it? Show with an example.

Class 7

Questions already given in class material

Class 8

  1. In the animation link to Towers of Hanoi problem, you can vary the number of poles from 3 to 16. Remember that the classic problem has three poles. Try Towers of Hanoi with 4 and 5 poles and 8 discs. Why do you think the problem becomes simpler (fewer steps) compared to 3 pegs? (This is not a simple question - it is given to make you think!)

Class 9

  1. Search the Internet for Dynamic Programming and explain its key features in no more than 10 sentences.
  2. Explain Travelling Salesperson Problem using an example.
  3. On what parameters are algorithms compared? What do we mean when we say that one algorithm is better than another?

Classes 10 and 11

  1. What is the difference between an algorithm and a program?
  2. Search the Internet to find out what repeat statements are provided in C, Java and Python programming languages.
  3. Write briefly (about 15 sentences) on the history of Java.

Classes 12 and 13

Demo Classes - No Questions

Class 14

  1. What are the main hardware components found in a computer?
  2. A CPU consists of many transistors. Search the Internet to find out how many transistors a modern CPU such as an Intel i3, i5 or an i7 has? How many transistors did the first CPU 4004 have?
  3. What is a CPU?
  4. List the main functions of a CPU.
  5. Search the Internet and make a list of CPUs from Intel.

Class 15

  1. What is the difference between the terms random access and sequential access?
  2. Compare SRAM and DRAM with regards to capacity, price and how long they retain the information stored in them.
  3. What is the memory hierarchy?
  4. Which of the following retains stored data even after it is switched off? If there are any items that you do not understand in the list above, search the Internet.
    • SRAM
    • DRAM
    • ROM
    • Hard Disk
    • CD
    • Pen drive
    • Register

Class 16

  1. List five input and five output devices that are common in today's computers.
  2. What is the function of a bus?
  3. Search the Internet, read about PCI and SCSI, and write short notes on them in your own words.
  4. What are the differences between serial and parallel ports?
  5. Write one or two sentences each about the ports commonly used for connecting monitors to computers.
  6. Search the web and write 5 - 8 sentences about USB.

Class 17

  1. We learnt in school that a number such as 3065 can be written in expanded form as 3x1000 + 0x100 + 6x10 + 5x1. Do the same for the following binary numbers: 1011, 10011101, 010011, 100010. What numbers are they in the decimal system?
  2. Which of the following are even numbers: 11000, 111110, 10001, 101, 111? Do it without converting them into decimal form.
  3. Which of the following are powers of 2 , i.e., of the form 2x2x2x...:
    10001, 100, 010, 10010, 100000, 111?
    For example, the numbers, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. are powers of 2 while 3, 6, 10, 20, 36, etc. are not.
  4. In the powers of 2 question above, can you find the 'trick' to tell if a number is a power of 2 without doing either binary or decimal expansion? You can tell by just looking at the binary representation.

Class 18

  1. How is English text represented using ASCII? Show the ASCII representation of the word, "Hello".
  2. What is the major difference between Indic scripts and English when it comes to representing text?
  3. In UNICODE for Indic scripts, no representation is given for consonant modifiers such as the half क as in kya क्या. Why? How do we then represent such consonant modifiers?
  4. What is ISCII?

Class 19

  1. How is the number 6.75 represented in binary?
  2. Show, step by step, how the negative number -27 is represented in 2's complement form.
  3. Do the following binary calculations:
    • 43 + 36
    • 43 - 36
    • 36 - 43
    Verify your answers by checking them in decimal form.
  4. Compute 1101 x 101 in binary and verify by checking the calculations using decimal system.

Class 20

  1. What is an Operating System?
  2. What are the main functions of an Operating System?
  3. What is a system application? List three common system applications.
  4. What is the function of a compiler?
  5. List three common compilers for C language.