Colour Image Processing &
Colour Science Research @SCIS
Tongue or x-y chromaticity diagram
Tongue or x-y chromaticity diagram
Colour Image Processing and Colour Science Research
started in 2001 with the development of Colour Image
Processing toolkit as an M. Tech project. Over the years,
research expanded into colour science with the strong
belief that colour is more than three times greyscale
image processing.
Today, the research focuses on exploiting the
relationship between the physics behind colour, human vision
system and the digital colour models to make colour image
processing operations meaningful and derived from
physical transformations on spectra. Colour image
processing is extremely important because almost all
images today are in colour.
Colour Image Processing and Colour Science Research
started in 2001 with the development of Colour Image
Processing toolkit as an M. Tech project. Over the years,
research expanded into colour science with the strong
belief that colour is more than three times greyscale
image processing.
Today, the research focuses on exploiting the
relationship between the physics behind colour, human vision
system and the digital colour models to make colour image
processing operations meaningful and derived from
physical transformations on spectra.
Colour image processing is extremely important
because almost all images today are in colour.
Colour image created from error diffusion for printing
Colour Image Processing Elective Course:
This is a one-of-its-kind elective course at
graduate level in India. It introduces students to Colour
Science, Colour Image Processing and many Colour
- Colour Science: Physics, Human Vision System and Digital
Colour; MacAdam ellipses; x-y chromaticity diagram; colour
models and spaces
- Image Processing: Scalar and Vector operations include
Vector Median Filter, Vector Edge Detection, Canny and
Cumani operators
- Imaging Technologies: Colour printers and digital
cameras; Half-toning and demosaicing; Quantisation
- Advanced Topics: Spectral techniques for image
Colour Image Processing
course: This is a one-of-its-kind elective course at
graduate level in India. It introduces students to Colour
Science, Colour Image Processing and many Colour
- Colour Science: Physics, Human Vision System and Digital
Colour; MacAdam ellipses; x-y chromaticity diagram; colour
models and spaces
- Image Processing: Scalar and Vector operations include
Vector Median Filter, Vector Edge Detection, Canny and
Cumani operators
- Imaging Technologies: Colour printers and digital
cameras; Half-toning and demosaicing; Quantisation
- Advanced Topics: Spectral techniques for image
Demosaicing (right half) an
image captured by a digital camera (left half)
MacAdam ellipses of
indistinguishable colours
- Haritha Dasari (PhD, 2007) Worked on
forensic applications of colour image processing:
identifying sources of documents such as photocopier,
laser or deskjet printers.
- Roshanak
Zakizadeh (2007): Awarded Erasmus
Mundus scholarship in Colour Science. Obtained PhD from
University of East Anglia. Currently working as a Research
Scientist at University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
- M. Ravindranath
(2011): Working at HCL
Technologies, Chennai
- Mohd. Ahmed Hassan (PhD, 2016): Currently
faculty at Hadhramout University, Yemen
- Anku
(2018): Obtained PhD in Colour Science
from Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Rochester
Institute of Technology. Working as a Research Scientist
at Meta
- Hareesh
Mandalapu (2018): Obtained PhD in
Colour Science from NTNU, Norway. Working as a
Scientist at Riverty in Norway
- Bojja Venu (2019): Currently doing his PhD in
Colour Science at the Technical University of Denmark,
- Patrick
Niyishaka (PhD, 2021): Working as a
Surgical Data Scientist (IRCAD Africa) in Kigali, Kigali
City, Rwanda.
- Software Tools for Detecting Erasures,
Obilterations and Modifications in Questioned
Documents: Applying colour analysis to detect
whether text source is colour laser or deskjet printer,
colour photocopier; also, detect any modifications to
document contents based on colour changes
- Content Based Image Retrieval of Remote Sensing
Images: Colour and colour textures as two features
for computing similarities between remote sensing
- Physics based Image Processing: Use of
colour spectrum to RGB/HSV colour and vice versa to
define image processing operations (in the form of 3x3
matrix operators) derived from spectral changes caused
by physical processes
- Simulation of Colour Vision Deficiencies:
In collaboration with the School of Medical Sciences,
working on simulating colour blindness and quantitative
measures to assess efficacy of public health policies
and interventions in vision-related problems
Original Image
Sodium-vapour Lamp Filtered Image (Simulated)
- Software Tools for Detecting Erasures,
Obilterations and Modifications in Questioned
Documents: Applying colour analysis to detect
whether text source is colour laser or deskjet printer,
colour photocopier; also, detect any modifications to
document contents based on colour changes
- Content Based Image Retrieval of Remote Sensing
Images: Colour and colour textures as two features
for computing similarities between remote sensing
- Physics based Image Processing: Use of
colour spectrum to RGB/HSV colour and vice versa to
define image processing operations (in the form of 3x3
matrix operators) derived from spectral changes caused
by physical processes
- Simulation of Colour Vision Deficiencies:
In collaboration with the School of Medical Sciences,
working on simulating colour blindness and quantitative
measures to assess efficacy of public health policies
and interventions in vision-related problems
Original Image
Sodium-vapour Lamp Filtered Image (Simulated)