There are three methods that we commonly use for solving systems of equations.
Gaussian elimination is the oldest and most well-known method for solving systems of equations. The method works as follows:
This code is in the cell below.
import numpy as np
# The following is only for pretty output
np.set_printoptions(precision=2, suppress=True)
def gauss_eliminate(eqns, debug=False) :
nrows = eqns.shape[0]
ncols = eqns.shape[1]
# Initialise the pivot element as (0,0)
r_piv = 0
c_piv = 0
# Repeat from the first row to the last but one row
# and from the first column to the last but one column
while r_piv < nrows-1 and c_piv < ncols-1 :
# Pivot is the largest element in the current col
pivots = np.argmax(abs(eqns[r_piv:,:ncols-1]),
# Check if pivot is 0, just move to the next col
if eqns[pivots[r_piv], c_piv] == 0 :
c_piv += 1
else :
# Swap the pivot row with the current row
eqns[[r_piv, pivots[r_piv]+r_piv]] = eqns[[pivots[r_piv]+r_piv, r_piv]]
# For all the rows below the pivot, make
# elements below the pivot cell as 0
for row in range(r_piv+1, nrows) :
mult_fact = eqns[row,c_piv] / eqns[r_piv,c_piv]
eqns[row,c_piv] = 0
for col in range(c_piv+1, ncols) :
eqns[row,col] -= (eqns[r_piv,col] * mult_fact)
# Output the current state for debugging
if debug :
print('After reduction of row: ', r_piv+1)
# Move to the next row and column and repeat
# the above steps
r_piv += 1
c_piv += 1
return eqns
This step gets the values of the unknowns from the upper triangular matrix resulting from the previous Gauss elimination step.
Starting from the last row which contains only one non-zero element $C[nrow,nrow]$, where $nrow$ is the number of rows (number of unknowns), we obtain the values of the unknows, $x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N$ in the reverse order, i.e. $x_N, x_{N-1}, \ldots, x_1$.
Note that the last row corresponds to the equation
$$C[nrow, nrow]x_N = C[nrow,nrow+1]$$
where $C[nrow,nrow+1]$ is the RHS value of the $N^{th}$ equation ($C$ is the
The code is given below.
def back_substitute(eqns) :
nrows = eqns.shape[0]
ncols = eqns.shape[1]
# Define a new vector for the answers and initialise
# it to 0
sol = np.full(nrows, 0.)
cstep = 1
for row in range(nrows-1, -1, -1) :
# print('Processing Row: ', row)
cur_col = ncols - cstep
if eqns[row, row] == 0 :
print('Unique solution does not exist!')
return False
rhs = eqns[row,ncols-1]
for col in range(row+1, ncols-1) :
rhs -= (eqns[row,col] * sol[col])
# print('RHS: ', rhs)
sol[row] = rhs / eqns[row,cur_col-1]
# print('Solution: ', sol)
cstep += 1
return sol
Try it on the problem below where $A$ and $B$ matrices have been given for you. These correspond to the system of equations [ \begin{eqnarray*} x_1 + x_2 - x_3 & = & 21 \\ x_1 + 2x_2 + 2x_3 & = & 39 \\ -x_1 + 5x_2 -x_3 & = & 7 \end{eqnarray*} ] If you ran everything correctly, you must get the answers $$x_1 = 19, x_2 = 6, x_3 = 4$$
A = np.array([
[1, 1, -1.],
[1. , 2., 2],
[-1., 5, -1.]
], dtype='float')
B = np.array([21, 39, 7])
def jacobi(A, eps=1e-5) :
X = np.zeros(A.shape[0])
return X