Textbooks: The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie; Introduction to problem solving and programming with Pascal by Schneider et al.
Date |
January 4 |
Introduction, Algorithm for finding max and notion of specification (HW: extend max to find both max and min) |
Introduction, Algorithm for finding max and notion of specification (HW: extend max to find both max and min) |
January 6 |
January 11 |
Algorithms for finding mean of a given set of numbers and mode given sorted numbers. Given text, algorithms for finding and counting words, longest word and comparing words. (HW: mode given non-sorted numbers that are in the range 1-N) |
January 13 |
Algorithms for searching for a pattern, histogram |
January 18 |
Introducing C: convert algorithm for max to a C program |
January 20 |
Functions and program structure using examples |
January 25 |
Convert max.c to have a function for it. |
January 27 |
Variable names, constants, declarations, operators in C, expressions in C |
February 1 |
Control flow primitives in C |
February 3 |
Functions : formal parameters, local variables and external variables, scope and extent rules |
February 8 |
Block structure |
February 10 |
MINOR – 1 (upto control flow) |
February 15 |
Recursion and C preprocessor, static variables |
February 17 |
Pointers and arrays |
February 22 |
Pointers and arrays |
February 24 |
Pointers and arrays |
March 1 |
Pointers and arrays |
March 3 |
Pointers and arrays |
March 8 |
March 10 |
Structures |
March 15 |
MINOR – 2 (upto pointers&arrays) |
March 17 |
Structures |
March 22 |
Structures |
March 24 |
Unions |
March 29 |
March 31 |
April 5 |
April 7 |
April 12 |