Comparative Analysis of O(1) and CFS Schedulers of Linux

Given below are the links to the two documents that you need to read and understand. The first is a very detailed paper that allows you to understand the concerns that drive the scheduler design based on the market being targeted by the OS. It explains the O(1) scheduler introduced by Ingo Molnar to take care of the issues with the introduction of Linux into multiple markets. It also describes the earlier scheduler of Linux (the 2.4.* kernel scheduler). The second link gives the state-of-the-art scheduler (to my knowledge) of Linux. The primary driving force here being the SMP becoming a common platform of every user in the world.

WHAT TO SUBMIT: A one to two page summary of your understanding of the schedulers in your handwriting.

NOTE: You are allowed to discuss the papers with each other and understand the papers. You are also allowed to analyze the papers together. You are NOT ALLOWED to copy the final summary from each other.


Write your own Basic Shell

Write a basic shell program, which when run, prints its prompt and waits for input from the user. When the user types something and presses ENTER, it accepts the input and tries to execute whatever the command given. If the command cannot be found, it prints the error Command Not Found. This will require parsing the PATH environment variable and looking for the command in the directories of the PATH.

Otherwise, it executes and prints the output of the command. Remember that a shell does a fork() and exec() to execute the command given. You need to do the same. You need to be able to accept any command line arguments given for the command and pass them to exec(), just as a shell program does.

NOTE: Remember that the cd command has to be implemented differently.

Grading Policy: If the program segment faults or results in zombie processes or hangs, you will lose marks accordingly.

Please refer to the previous page on Assignment submission policy. Also, read the coding guidelines given below and follow them. Any code which does not follow the coding guidelines is likely to lose marks.

Please read the Coding Guidelines and make sure you follow these guidelines.

Use gcc -Wall as the compile command in your Makefiles.

CAUTION: Make your code as modular as you can get it to. You will be adding features to the shell, esp. once IPC is done.

Extend your own Basic Shell

Build your own partial ps command

The /proc filesysem documentation or The /proc filesystem. Or, alternately you can use the man pages with the command 'man 5 proc'.

Understand the entries and the contents of various files in this directory /proc.

Write a program to read the /proc filesystem and print the following for all the processes listed there:

PID, PPID, STATE, COMMAND, No. of Files open

Since for all the root or privileged processes, you are not allowed to read the no. of files open, print NA for those. For all user processes, print the no. of files open.

Below are some Hints for the assignment.