Operating Systems
Timings: Mo: 11:00-13:00, We : 15:00-17:00
Teaching Assistants: Praneeth
Evaluation Criteria
- Internal : 40 marks
- Minor : Best of two minors - 20 marks
- Programming Assignments : 10 marks
- Quiz : 10 marks
- Major : 60 marks
Assignment Submission and Grading Policy
Programming Assignments: You will create your program source files in a directory by combining the roll nos of the persons in the team like this - 01_03. You will also create a Makefile for compiling your code and a readme file for any instructions on how to run your program or any other comments you wish your grader to look at. When submitting your code, you will tar this directory and submit the tar file of the name rollno1_rollno2.tar - for e.g., 01_03.tar.
Please read the Coding Guidelines and make sure you follow these guidelines.
Please check the Linux related resources on my home page. In addition, here are some interesting links on Operating Systems and its various functions.