For the students' grades sheet:
For the other excel sheet:
Here is the Second Example with Tables and Equations pdf file that is to help you exercise and improve your Latex skills.
You can use different Color Themes by using the command \usecolortheme{albatross} or \usecolortheme{crane} etc. You can also specify with colors as an option to the color theme as follows: \usecolortheme[RGB={128,64,128}]{structure}
Here is an Example References frame for Beamer
The internal marks are to be computed as follows: Internal = bestOf(minor1, minor2)+AverageOf(assign1, assign2, assign3)+Seminar. Total = Internal+Major. Grades are given as follows:
Understanding how to use Complex Equations
We will understand how to use complex equations to compute required results from raw data. For this purpose, we shall compute the internal marks out of the related marks of the given data set, then, the total and the grades for each person. The grade is computed as per the table given above.
Understanding how to use VLOOKUP function
Instead of using a complex equation to compute the grade, we will use VLOOKUP for grade computation.
Excel Vlookup Function and VLookup Example
Understanding how to use charts in Excel
Draw a bar chart of how many students are in each grade. Then, plot a curve out of it.
Understanding how to use Filters in Excel
Display data of only those students who match a certain grade - such as all B grade students etc. This can be done by using filters.
Applying Filters in LibreOffice
Understanding how to use Pivot Tables
We will understand how to use pivot tables in this section. In the first link below, there is an Example data set which we will use to do the exercises specified there. Then, we will generate the grade distribution from our own data set using pivot tables. In the earlier class, we had used the frequency function and set up the data in a way that can be used for generating bar and pie charts. We will do the same with pivot tables and see that it is more easy with pivot tables.
Pivot Tables data file and exercises
Using Pivot Tables to count values
In this part of the lab course, we will learn how to draw pictures, export them to .eps or other formats and include them in .doc/.ppt/.tex files.
Download and use the free shapes in the link below and re-create the Example Figure using OpenOffice.
Free Shapes for OpenOffice Draw
Draw the following figures in either Xfig or OODRAW: