Assignment - 1

Do the following exercises from the book: DUE ON SEP. 1, 2015
  1. Exercise 1.11(a) and 1.11(b)
  2. Exercise 1.14(b), 1.14(c) and 1.14(d)
  3. Exercise 1.17(a) and 1.17(b)
  4. Exercise A.22(c) and A.22(d)
  5. Exercise B.1 (all parts)
  6. Exercise B.5 (all parts) (NOTE: THIS IS NOT CONSIDERED FOR MARKS )

Last Assignment (for end of semester)

Do a lscpu or less /proc/cpuinfo on the three different i5 systems in AI lab - IBM, Acer and HP. Get the model of the CPU and check it out on the Internet to determine its microarchitecture - whether it is Sandybridge, Ivybridge or Haswell. Study the differences in these three microarchitectures and write a summary of the differences.

Download the following program and compile it. Try to run the program on each of the three microarchitectures without recompilation. Check if you can run without recompilation. Use likwid-powermeter and likwid-perfctr on the executable(s) and get information on how much time the program runs on each of the different microarchitectures and the energy consumed on each. Write a one page report on your observations. Check out the voltage rating of your cpu using the following command (because remember that the energy consumed is highly dependent on voltage of the processor):

dmidecode -t processor