Advanced Computer Networks Project

AIM: To plot the average power dissipation of all the nodes in a MANET and of a few critical individual nodes such as those participating in routing or data plane operations.


Simulate a MANET of 50 nodes with a simulation time of 180 seconds. Use both DSR and AODV as the routing protocols.

Then, choose any one of the following scenarios:

Scenario I: 10 pairs of source-destination. Each source and destination are unique. Thus, 20 nodes out of the 50 nodes in the MANET will be involved in the communication. The mobility of the nodes will be in the range of 0-5m/s, 0-10m/s and 0-20m/s. For each case, extract the residual power levels of the nodes every 10 seconds and plot the graph of the average power level over all nodes in the MANET. Then, extract the power levels of any 3 source and destination pairs and plot the graph for those nodes. Choose another node which is neither a source nor a destination and simply participates in routing and plot the power dissipation for this node. You need to do this for different mobility so you can see what is the effect of higher mobility on power dissipation in the nodes.

Scenario II: 30 pairs of source-destination. Some of the nodes in the MANET will be involved in more communication than others. The mobility of the nodes will be in the range of 0-5m/s, 0-10m/s and 0-20m/s. For each case, extract the residual power levels of the nodes every 10 seconds and plot the graph of the average power level over all nodes in the MANET. Then, extract the power levels of 3 source and destination pairs – choose at least one node pair which have only one flow between them and another that has more than one flow. Plot the graph for these nodes. You need to do this for different mobility so you can see what is the effect of higher mobility on power dissipation in the nodes.

Output Expected: The graphs which you generate will become part of your term paper. What I would like to see in your term paper is a thorough analysis of the results you have observed.

For e.g., initially, you would expect to see more power dissipation in nodes as routes are discovered than once the routes are stable. You would expect to see more power dissipation at higher mobility as routes have to be continually learned whereas at low mobility there is less routing overhead. Analyzing from theoretical perspective, can you explain the results you have obtained? If not, it is OK to say that it is unclear as to why the results are what they are.

The project carries 15 marks and the term paper 10 marks.


Chapters 9 and 11 of

hint for DSR:

Normally, dsr will not work if you follow the help in the above link. It hits a segmentation fault. So, we have to use "CMUPriQueue" instead of "Queue/DropTail/PriQueue".