1. MC02_MC53: Correct.

  2. MC04_MC15: Correct.

  3. MC07: Problem with the output of some of the datagrams – incorrectly stated as not successful.

  4. MT02_MT12: Datagram, 30 – has duplicate fragment but is marked also with mismatch in length which is not correct.

  5. MT46_MT58: Correct.

  6. MT20_MI25: Correct.

  7. MI14_MI34: Correct.

  8. MB31_MI08: Correct.

  9. MB15_MB23: Correct.

  10. MB19_MT17: Correct.

  11. MI28_MT52: All the datagrams are not recognized by the program, i.e., when giving the final output, some of the datagrams are not even given.

  12. MB20_MI26: Correct.

  13. MB10_MB14: Correct.

  14. MB39: Segmentation fault if no command line argument is given. Goes into infinite loop at the end of displaying the output. (No change since last submission. WHY?!)

  15. MT33_MT49: Correct.

  16. MT13_MT48: Correct.

  17. MT_43: Correct.

  18. MT50: Correct.

  19. MT57: Correct.

  20. MT11: Correct.

  21. MB33: Java code does not run. PLEASE MEET ME OR THE TA – Ramya or Krishna in Networking lab.