Help for ACN students to do their project.
- Read Chapters 9 and 11 of
- With DSR use "CMUPriQueue" as queuing mechanism instead of "Queue/DropTail/PriQueue". Otherwise it may give a segmentation fault.
- You can find more examples at ns-root-directory/ns2.29/tcl/ex/
- You can find Marc Greis tutorial even at ns-root-directory/ns2.29/nstutorial/
- Some systems are labeled as Promiscuous Mode: ON/OFF. If labels are removed by someone, you just do "more" on the file ns-root-directory/ns-2.29/dsr/ and search for dsragent_use_tap is true or false. If it is true/false then it means promiscuous mode is on/off.
- Your simulations may take lot of memory you may be exceeding your quota. So, please create all trace files in /tmp. But keep all extracted files in your directory. Don't delete any file, they may be useful at later point of time.
- Packet Delivery Ratio is number of packets received by all the destinations by number of packets sent by all the sources.
- Check files generated by node-movement generator "setdest" and traffic-scenario generator "cbrgen.tcl" before proceeding.
- You need to submit your node-movement files and traffic-scenario files, TCL files, Perl scripts and term paper with graphs.