Help for ACN students to do their project.

  1. Read Chapters 9 and 11 of
  2. With DSR use "CMUPriQueue" as queuing mechanism instead of "Queue/DropTail/PriQueue". Otherwise it may give a segmentation fault.
  3. You can find more examples at ns-root-directory/ns2.29/tcl/ex/
  4. You can find Marc Greis tutorial even at ns-root-directory/ns2.29/nstutorial/
  5. Some systems are labeled as Promiscuous Mode: ON/OFF. If labels are removed by someone, you just do "more" on the file ns-root-directory/ns-2.29/dsr/ and search for dsragent_use_tap is true or false. If it is true/false then it means promiscuous mode is on/off.
  6. Your simulations may take lot of memory you may be exceeding your quota. So, please create all trace files in /tmp. But keep all extracted files in your directory. Don't delete any file, they may be useful at later point of time.
  7. Packet Delivery Ratio is number of packets received by all the destinations by number of packets sent by all the sources.
  8. Check files generated by node-movement generator "setdest" and traffic-scenario generator "cbrgen.tcl" before proceeding.
  9. You need to submit your node-movement files and traffic-scenario files, TCL files, Perl scripts and term paper with graphs.