I am currently Working as an Associate Professor in the School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Hyderabad.

Areas of Research

Digital Forensics, Cloud Computing and allied areas, Information Security

Academic Background

Qualification Details
Ph.D Title: Novel Digital Forensic Framework for Cloud Computing Environment, BITS Pilani, during 2011-2016
M.Tech In Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Warangal, during 2001-2003
B.Tech In Computer Science and Engineering, SRKR, Andhra University, during 1997-2001

Employment details

A total of 20+ Years of experience: 14+ years in teaching (B.Tech & M.Tech level) & 6 years in Research and Development in a Central Government organization.

Designation Associate Professor Lecturer/Asst. Prof Scientist. B
Organization University of Hyderabad BITS Pilani Hyderabad Campus CDAC, Trivandrum
From 01.03.20117 14.03.2011 16.11.2005
To Till date 30.11.2016 11.03.2011

BITS Pilani Hyderabad


Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Trivandrum


Projects under taken so far

Duration of the Project Details of the Project
Dec 2022 to Jan 2025 Project: MFT: Multimedia Forensic Tool - Image and video forgery detector
Team Size: 6
Role (PI/Co-PI): Principal Investigator.
Location: University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad - 500 046, Telangana, India
Funding Agency: Institutes of Eminence (IoE), GOVT. of India
Total grant: 21.40 Lakhs
Description: With drastic increase in multimedia files particularly video and images, the authentication of these files face humongous challenge due to various forgery techniques available in the literature. Cyber criminals are taking advantage of these forgery techniques and creating false information that can mislead the court of law. To analyse these types of files to check the integrity or forgery, we require multimedia forensic tools. In the literature, there are various image/video forgery detection techniques which require the original source files. The major challenge in performing multimedia forensics is that the source files are unavailable during forensic investigation. Generally, during digital forensic analysis, only forged files are available and not the original. In this research project, we propose a prototype model in the form of a tool that will detect tampering in the images and videos for which the source is unavailable and localize the area of the forgery.
Sept 2014 to Sept 2016 Project: Cloud Investigator (Design and Development of Digital Forensic Tools for Cloud IaaS)
Team Size: 6
Role (Co-Investigator): Architect for Digital Forensics in cloud IaaS.
Location: BITS Pilani, Hyderabad campus, 500078, Telangana, India
Funding Agency: Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeiTY), GOVT. of India
Total grant: 54.96 Lakhs
Cloud testbed: OpenStack (icehouse)
Description: Cloud forensics is a mechanism that provides the requisite tools for investigation and analysis of cloud security threats. Due to the decentralized nature of data processing in cloud, traditional approaches to evidence collection and recovery are not practical.
The aim of this project was to design a generic digital forensic framework for the cloud crime investigation by identifying the challenges and requirements of forensics in the virtualized environment of cloud computing, address the issues of dead/live forensic analysis within/outside the virtual machine that runs in a cloud environment, and to design a digital forensic triage using parallel processing framework to examine and partially analyze the virtual machine data to speed up the investigation of the cloud crime. To analyze the evidence within the virtual machine, we designed various methods of examining the file system metadata, the registry file content, and the physical memory content. For the evidence which is outside a virtual machine (cloud logs), various methods of log data segregation and collection have been devised.
Nov 2005 to Mar 2011 Location: Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Trivandrum – 695 033, Kerala, India
Project: CyberCheck (Digital forensic tool)
Team Size: 15

Module: 1
Role (Module Leader): Design and Development of CyberScript module.
Programming Language: VC++, MFC.
CyberCheck: Cyber Forensics tool for data recovery and analysis. It is windows based application which allows a user to analyse the hard disk content including deleted files, contents in the slack and swap areas
Scripting is a programming facility, which can be effectively used for performing a batch search process in an evidence file to automate the analysis process. CyberCheck should provide this facility so that analyzing officers can plan the analysis in advance and get it done without much user interaction. The functionality of the module includes,
  • Searching for the files with given file attributes.
  • Searching for keywords within selected files/folders, entire evidence, or selected list (output of already executed script).
  • Searching for a string that matches a given regular expression
  • Searching for IP addresses, Web addresses, E-mail addresses, valid credit card numbers, etc.
It also provides a very good GUI, Syntax highlighting facility to enter the script in correct format. Using the GUI facility user can write, save and open the already existing script.

Module: 2
Team Size: 2
Role (Module Leader): Design and Development of in-place (Zero storage) carving of data.
Programming Language: VC++, MFC.
Description: Module for in-place carving of data provides a facility for extracting complete or fragments of different types of files. Usually traditional cyber forensic tools does not extract files from areas like unallocated clusters, lost clusters and slack spaces (especially disk slack). Using this module, investigator can recover known files from all these areas of storage media.
Nov 2009 to Mar 2011 Project: F-DAC (Forensic Data Carving Tool)
Team Size: 2
Role (Project Leader and Architect): Design and Development of F-DAC.
Programming Language: VC++, MFC.
Description: F-DAC is a forensic tool used for file carving. File carving is the process of recovering files from a disk without the help of a file system. Using Header/Footer carving method for this purpose. Header/Footer is a method of carving files from a binary image using a distinct header (start of file marker) and footer (end of file marker).

Project: Data Extractor
Team Size: 1
Role: (Project Leader and Architect): Design and Development of Data Extractor.
Programming Language: VC++, MFC.
Description: Data Extractor is a database application, using which user can filter database content using SQL query. GUI is provided to the user to write a query and extract the database content based on the written query.

Project: FIRT (Forensic Image Recovery tool) based on skin tone filtering technique.
Team Size: 2
Role (Project Leader and Architect): Design and Development of FIRT.
Programming Language: VC++, MFC.
Description: FIRT is a forensic tool used to retrieve all picture files from a digital media/image. Files are retrieved using distinct headers of the files. We use file system information to retrieve undeleted files and data carving methods to retrieve deleted files. This tool uses skin tone detection techniques to identify a pornography picture file.

Research Publications

Journal Publications:

  • Krishna Chandra, Digambar Pawar and Raghavendra Gowda, "Image forgery classification and localization through Vision Transformers", International Journal of Multimedia Information Retrieval (2025). <IF:4.9>

  • Sonam Sharma, Dipanjan Roy and Digambar Pawar, "PROTECTS: Progressive Rtl Obfuscation with ThrEshold Control Technique during architectural Synthesis", ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (2024), pp. 1-34. <IF:2.2>

  • Neha Kaliya and Digambar Pawar, "Unboxing fog security: a review of fog security and authentication mechanisms", Computing (2023), pp. 1-27. <IF:3.7>

  • Raghavendra Gowada, Digambar Pawar and Biplab Barman, "Unethical Human Action Recognition using Deep Learning based Hybrid model for Video Forensics", Multimedia Tools and Applications (2023), <IF:3.6>

  • Raghavendra Gowada and Digambar Pawar, "Deep Learning based Forgery Identification and Localization in Videos", Journal of Signal, Image and Video Processing (2022), <IF:2.3>

  • Pranitha Sanda, Digambar Pawar and V. Radha, "Blockchain-based tamper-proof and transparent investigation model for cloud VMs", The Journal of Supercomputing (2022), pp. 1-29. <IF:3.3>

  • Pranitha Sanda, Digambar Pawar, and V. Radha, "An insight into cloud forensic readiness by leading cloud service providers: a survey", Computing (2022), pp. 1-26. <IF:3.7>

  • Digambar Pawar and Mayank Gajpal, "Image Forensic Tool (IFT): Image Retrieval, Tampering Detection, and Classification", International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF), 13.6 (2021),pp. 1-15, <IF:0.7>

  • Digambar P., Saibharath and Dr. Geethakumari, Real-time digital forensic triaging for cloud data analysis using MapReduce on Hadoop framework, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Inderscience Publishers, Vol. 7, Issue No. 2, pp. 119-133 (2015), <IF:0.8>

  • Shanti Swaroop Moharana, Rajadeepan D. Ramesh and Digambar P., Analysis of load balancers in cloud computing, International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE), Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 101-108, 2013

Conference Publications/Book Chapters:

  • Raghavendra Gowada, Digambar Pawar and Santhosh Ranaveni, "LSTM-CNN based hybrid model for image forgery detection-Digital forensics perspective", 5th International Conference on Computing and Communication Networks (2024), ICCCNet2024, MANCHESTER, UK, <Springer>

  • Neha Kaliya, Digambar Pawar and Adesh Raut, "A Lightweight Privacy preserving and Authentication Model (LiPAM-FSG) for Fog Based Smart Grids", Fifth International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (2024), <Springer>

  • Neha Kaliya, Digambar Pawar and Sriram, T, "SMAKMS_FC: Secure Mutual Authentication and Key Management Scheme for Fog Computing", Communications in Computer and Information Science (2024), <Springer, ISSN:978-3-031-64076-6>

  • Pranitha Sanda, Digambar Pawar and V. Radha, "WiDeS: Wiping Detection using System-calls - An Anti-Forensic Resistant Approach", 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom-2023), Exeter, England, UK, <Core Ranking Conference>.

  • Ali Akber Faiz, Digambar Pawar and Neha Kaliya, "Implementing Fog Computing Architecture using AWS IoT Greenpass", 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS-2022) (Accepted, Dec-2022), <Springer LNNS, ISSN:2367-3370>

  • Raghavendra Gowada and Digambar Pawar, "Porn Image Forensics: Image Classification, Forgery Detection and Localization", International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology (pp. 359-371). Springer, Singapore, 2022

  • Pranitha Sanda, Digambar Pawar and V. Radha, "VM Anti-forensics: Detecting File Wiping Using File System Journals", International Conference on Computing in Engineering & Technology (pp. 497-508). Springer, Singapore, 2022.

  • Tasleem Sulthana and Digambar Pawar, "Digital Forensic Investigator for Cloud Computing Environment", Computer Communication, Networking and IoT, Springer, Singapore, 2021, pp. 53-61

  • Raghavendra Gowada, Digambar Pawar and Satish Reddy Tetali, "Multimedia Forensics-An approach to detect and analyze Human faces in multimedia files", 2019 Fifth International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), (pp. 274-279). IEEE

  • Digambar P. and Dr. Geethakumari, Digital Forensic Architecture for Cloud Computing Systems: Methods of Evidence Identification, Segregation, Collection and Partial Analysis”, Third International Conference on INformation systems Design and Intelligent Applications - INDIA-2016, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC) series, Vol. 433, pp. 213-225 (Springer)

  • Meera G, B K S P Kumar Raju, Digambar P. and Dr. Geethakumari, “A strategy for enabling forensic investigation in cloud IaaS, Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies, IEEE ICECCT 2015, March 05-07, 2015, India, Proceedings in IEEE Explore

  • Digambar P., and Dr. Geethakumari, "A Heuristic Model for Performing Digital Forensics in Cloud Computing Environment", International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC-2014), Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Volume 467, 2014, pp 341-352, (Springer)

  • Digambar P., and Dr. Geethakumari, A Novel approach to Detect Cloud Virtual Machines hidden using Alternate Data Streams, Proceedings of the IEEE International Multi Conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing, iMac4s-2013, March 22-23, Kottayam, India, 2013, pp. 835-839

  • Digambar P., and Dr. Geethakumari, Digital Evidence Detection in Virtual Environment for Cloud Computing, Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Security of Internet of Things, SecurIT’12, August 17-19, Kollam, India, 2012, pp.102-106

  • Digambar P., Divya S. Vidyadharan and Thomas K.L, Digital image evidence detection based on skin tone filtering technique“, in International conference on advances in computing and communications, ACC 2011, Part I, CCIS 190, PP. 544-551, 2011(Springer)

  • Digambar P. and V.K. Bhadran, Forensic Data Carving, ICDF2C 2010, LNICST 53, pp. 137-148, 2010



Student Details Scholarship Area of research/Title Status of the research Educational Background
Raghavendra Gouda (18MCPC02) QIP Image and Video Forgery Identification and Localization from Multimedia Forensics Perspective Completed ME
Pranitha (19MCPC01) IDRBT Research Fellowship Cloud Virtual Machine Forensics - An Anti-forensic Perspective Completed M.Tech (CSE), B.Tech (IT)
Neha Kaliya (20MCPC01) JRF Fog Security - Authentication Ongoing M.Tech (CS-Information Security)
Sonam Sharma (22MCPC10) PMRF (Prime Minister's Research Fellowship) Hardware Security Ongoing M.Tech (Artificial Intelligence)
G. SRIKANTH REDDY (22MCPC12) NIL (Part time) Multimedia Forensics Ongoing M.Tech (SE)


Year Student Details
  1. Omprakash Parikh (23MCMT09)
    Title: DDoS/DRDoS attack detection
  2. Dhana Lakshmi (23MCMI08)
    Title: Deepfake Video Forgery Detection
  3. Sai Krishna Chaitanya (23MCMI05)
    Title: Internship project
  1. Vaishnavi Raghavajosyula (19MCME03)
    Title: Facial Deepfake Video Forgery Detection and Segmentation
  2. Meher Chaitanya (19MCME12)
    Title: Improvement in Robustness of Motor Health Prediction Algorithms (Internship project)
  1. M.Yashwanth (21MCMI04)
    Title: Evaluation of transfer learning approaches for deepfake detection in images
  2. Adesh raut (21MCMT25)
    Title: Fog Security - Authentication
  3. Keshav (21MCMB07)
    Title: Open source file system (BTRFS) forensics
  4. Vivek Yadav Gorla (21MCMI02)
    Title: Internship project
  1. Thota Sriram (20MCMT33)
    Title: Secure Key management scheme and user authentication protocol for Fog computing
  2. G.Vinay Kumar Reddy (20MCMT10)
    Title: Blockchain based VM Logging Facility for Cloud Forensics
  3. Mahammad Salman Shaik (20MCMT04)
    Title: Digital Video Forgery Detection using Deep Learning
  4. Ali Akber Faiz (20MCMT03)
    Title: Implementing Fog Computing Architecture using AWS IoT Greengrass
  1. Biplab Barman (19MCMT04)
    Title: Human Activity Recognition for Video Surveillance
  2. Santhosh Kumar R (19MCMB18)
    Title: Image Forgery Detection, Classification and Localization using Deep Learning techniques
  3. Juhi Kumari (19MCMT50)
    Title: Anti-Forensic Detection Based On File Metadata For Windows And Linux Cloud VMs
  4. Khadeeja Mastoor (19MCMT40)
    Title: Blockchain based Decentralized Investigation model for Cloud VMs
  1. Mayank Gajpal (18MCMT35)
    Title: Digital Image Tamper Detection
  2. Tasleem Sulthana (18MCMT17)
    Title:Data Segregation and Acquisition in Cloud Environment
  3. Rohit Kumar (18MTIS08)
    Title: Tampering Detection and Prevention in E-Commerce Transactions
  1. Pritam Kadasi (17MCMT32)
    Title: Detection and Analysis of the TOR : The Anonymous Communication
  2. T. Sathi Reddy (17MCMI08)
    Title: Multimedia Forensics - An approach to detect and analyze Human faces in multimedia files
  3. V Chetan Anand (16MCMT38)
    Title: Keyword Search over Distributed Graph with Compressed Signature


Year Student Details
  1. Deeksha Tiwari (19MCMC16)
    Title: Design of UI Modules for KIMS Referral Management System Smartphone Application
  2. Riya (19MCMC30)
    Title: Ratings Ops Workflow 2.O (Oracle to Postgres Data Migration)
  1. Poonam Verma (17MCMC17)
    Title: Business Management Portal
  2. Praveen Mishra (17MCMC15)
    Title:Automation of Bynet Failure Fault Injection Test
  1. Snehitha G (16MCMC17)
    Title: Form Grabbing Malware Analysis
  2. HimaBindhu Chilumulla (16MCMC14)
    Title: Form Grabbing Malware Analysis
  1. Santosh Kumar (14MCMC11)
    Title: Forensic Data Carving

Current Semester:

  • Database Management Systems

  • Database Management Systems Lab

Previous Semesters:

  • Ethical Hacking and Computer Forensics

  • Information Security

  • Data and File Structures

  • Advanced Computer Architecture

  • Object Oriented Design

  • Java Programming lab


Associate Professor,
School of Computer and Information Sciences,
University of Hyderabad, P.O. Central University, Hyderabad, TS, India.
Pin 500046.
Email: dpr@uohyd.ac.in