Operating Systems - I.M.Tech.

Timings: We: 11:30AM-1:30PM(lab), Th: 3:30PM-4:30PM, Fr : 11:30AM-1:30PM

Office Timings: Wed. 2:30-4:00pm

Teaching Assistants: Golak

Evaluation Criteria

NOTE: Assignments MUST be submitted on time to be considered for marks unless there are exceptional circumstances that are approved by the faculty. This is a mandatory minor and the marks will be calculated as an average of all the lab marks.


The books that will be referred, in descending order of importance, are given below:

The OS Syllabus can be accessed to know what will be covered in this course.

The Course Schedule may be consulted for a tentative plan of what we shall be doing and when. This may change based on how things go in the class.

Programs for experimentation

  1. Pipes program
  2. Named Pipes program

Assignment Submission and Grading Policy

All programming assignments will be submitted to my SCIS email a/c. All the code will be in a single tar file with your roll no. xx.tar. The .tar file will contain your source code files with meaningful names, Makefile and a README file. The README file will contain information on the purpose of the software, your roll no., your acknowledgements to anyone who helps you other than the faculty and TA. Acknowledging frankly and giving due recognition to people who help is extremely important for academic honesty. Do NOT copy others' code. If I see identical code, you will be given ZERO for all identical code. If you have problem solving the assignment, take help and time and do it yourself rather than copy.

Written Assignments

Lab Assignments

Some useful links to add to the knowledge of what we cover in class

Please check the Linux related resources on my home page. In addition, here are some interesting links on Operating Systems and its various functions.